There are two ways to making what is often called the law of attraction work for you...the first is by doing what i call going through the back door...its where, without being aware of your I amness you reprogram it with repetitive thoughts and affirmations and the use of a highly developed imagination....the second is by going through the front door and becoming concious of your I amness and concious of what its currently creating out of habit...once you are concious of your I amness and what its doing, you can stop the habitual creation of what you don't want, and initiate the creation of what you do want.
As to becoming aware of your I amness/ sent me a link to some really good methods in an I M here...those methods will work, but sometimes you need a differant starting place...tell me about some meditation practices you have used in the past that you connected with if any...also tell me where you feel like you have some places where you get stuck in your spiritual search or things that have been a roadblock, and we will look at some techniques that will help you become aware of your awareness.
In the mean time I will give you an excercise to do...
For three days continuosly say in your mind "I Am Perfect" in your native language...for the first day say the words in your that I mean feel the word thoughts happening inside your head....on the second day do the same thing but feel the word thoughts originating in your chest centered near your heart...this may be difficult at first and may take some concentration...but it will get easier with practice...over and over think and feel the words I Am Perfect in your native tongue comming from your heart area....on the third day move the thoughts down so they are originating from a few centimeters behind your navel...over and over and over for the whole day...make it so you are saying the words in your thoughts and they are originating behind the naval...on the forth day while staying in the naval look at everything you see hear or touch and say this is perfect....and name it...say my wife is perfect...this chair is perfect...this situation is job is perfect etc...over and over
Tie a string around your finger to gently remind yourself to keep doing it, as life distractions can happen...if you find that you have gotten distracted don't get bothered by it...just gently go back into it.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Emotional Releasing And Me By Peter Murphy
This page is for you if you are surfing to find out more about me and why I decided to learn about emotional releasing and The Sedona Method. I will do my best to answer the following questions for you:
1 What is The Sedona Method?
2 Does it really work?
3 Who developed the Sedona Method and why?
4 How does it work?
5 Is it worth your time learning The Sedona Method?
Before I answer these questions I think it is important to tell you a little about my background and why I set up this site.
From an early age I found it fascinating that you could develop your mind and learn how to make your life better. The first course I ever took was The Silva Method, which was excellent and it got me off to a great start with personal development.
From there I continued to read anything good that I could get my hands on and I quickly realized that there are only so many principles to learn - after that you need to apply these principles daily in your life. So I did.
Life got better especially after I trained in NLP, that really boosted my confidence in what was possible and I got better and better at getting what I wanted in my life.
I started to earn a lot more money than ever before and I also started to find lots of new friends on the same wavelength which was great fun.
The next big jump in my happiness and success came after I became a Reiki healer. Reiki is very powerful and it gives you a heightened sensitivity to life and to the vibes that people give off.
When I was in a business meeting I could almost feel how the other people felt about the business of the day. And when I would meet someone for the first time, in those first few seconds I could feel their pain, their humanity and what they were really like as a person. What they said later in words would only confirm these strong intuitive impressions.
At this point you might be thinking - why am I telling you all this? Im telling you so that you know what my background is and so that you understand what experiences I already had when I first heard about The Sedona Method. Later on this will make more sense when you read about my first impressions of The Sedona Method.
Back to our story!
O.K. At this stage I was becoming more and more successful in my career and in my personal life. I was making a lot more money than ever before with a lot less effort and in my free time I had plenty of great friends that I enjoyed spending time with.
One morning I was driving to work in heavy traffic as usual. The office was only 15 miles from where I lived and I needed to allow 50 minutes to make sure I got to the office on time. Only this day was different - I was driving to work in a brand new Mercedes. Great eh?
The fact is I wasnt really enjoying myself. I was stressed out at work, I was really tired of endless traffic jams and the truth was that despite all the money I really didnt want to do this job anymore.
Unless I was happy at work all the other stuff meant very little to me. I decided it was time to work for myself so I stashed away some more money and left two months later. I have been self-employed ever since.
Why did I learn The Sedona Method?
A few months down the road I was still stressed much to my amazement and disappointment! I used all the tools I already knew and I felt a little better but still this new lifestyle without a salary coming in was very hard to adjust to.
I opened the mail one morning and read a mailing about The Sedona Method. It sounded like exactly what I was looking for even though I didnt understand what it was or how it worked.
A few hours later I was walking out of the house to go for a walk when I went back in to order the Sedona Method tapes.That intuition that I talked about earlier was screaming - get this now!
My first impressions were very positive. The system was very easy to learn and it felt great. I started to feel more in control of my life and happier and more at peace than I had in a long time. I had a feeling conviction that everything would work out just fine, and it did.
I have now been using The Sedona Method for over 3 years and it seems to get better the more you use it. One caveat. You must use it each day. If you use it once and then expect your life to be better youll be setting yourself up for disappointment. It is designed to be part of how you live and to be used daily.
Now that you know what got me to the point of buying the Sedona Method, let us take a look at each of the questions above.
1 What is The Sedona Method?
It is a way to let go of limiting feelings that hold us back in life. i.e. you release emotional states that are holding you back.
Many spiritual teachers talk about the importance of knowing what you want and then letting go of the desire. The problem is they dont always tell you HOW to let go! And until you do let go, making progress can be difficult, stressful and painfully slow. It can be like driving with the handbrake on.
Feelings like frustration, hate, envy, greed, fear and anger are part of day to day life for so many of us and they leave you tired and worn out by the end of the day.
Instead, if you know how, you could just let go of these feelings and enjoy feeling at peace and happy. The Sedona Method shows you a simple practical way to do this.
2 Does it really work?
I set up a site - the Sedona Method releasing Club way back on October 31st 1999 because of how impressed I am with The Sedona Method. If you look back over the several pages of postings at this discussion board you will read many, many accounts of how releasing works for me...and you will also read of how other people have successfully used it in their lives.
You can then read these postings for yourself.
1 What is The Sedona Method?
2 Does it really work?
3 Who developed the Sedona Method and why?
4 How does it work?
5 Is it worth your time learning The Sedona Method?
Before I answer these questions I think it is important to tell you a little about my background and why I set up this site.
From an early age I found it fascinating that you could develop your mind and learn how to make your life better. The first course I ever took was The Silva Method, which was excellent and it got me off to a great start with personal development.
From there I continued to read anything good that I could get my hands on and I quickly realized that there are only so many principles to learn - after that you need to apply these principles daily in your life. So I did.
Life got better especially after I trained in NLP, that really boosted my confidence in what was possible and I got better and better at getting what I wanted in my life.
I started to earn a lot more money than ever before and I also started to find lots of new friends on the same wavelength which was great fun.
The next big jump in my happiness and success came after I became a Reiki healer. Reiki is very powerful and it gives you a heightened sensitivity to life and to the vibes that people give off.
When I was in a business meeting I could almost feel how the other people felt about the business of the day. And when I would meet someone for the first time, in those first few seconds I could feel their pain, their humanity and what they were really like as a person. What they said later in words would only confirm these strong intuitive impressions.
At this point you might be thinking - why am I telling you all this? Im telling you so that you know what my background is and so that you understand what experiences I already had when I first heard about The Sedona Method. Later on this will make more sense when you read about my first impressions of The Sedona Method.
Back to our story!
O.K. At this stage I was becoming more and more successful in my career and in my personal life. I was making a lot more money than ever before with a lot less effort and in my free time I had plenty of great friends that I enjoyed spending time with.
One morning I was driving to work in heavy traffic as usual. The office was only 15 miles from where I lived and I needed to allow 50 minutes to make sure I got to the office on time. Only this day was different - I was driving to work in a brand new Mercedes. Great eh?
The fact is I wasnt really enjoying myself. I was stressed out at work, I was really tired of endless traffic jams and the truth was that despite all the money I really didnt want to do this job anymore.
Unless I was happy at work all the other stuff meant very little to me. I decided it was time to work for myself so I stashed away some more money and left two months later. I have been self-employed ever since.
Why did I learn The Sedona Method?
A few months down the road I was still stressed much to my amazement and disappointment! I used all the tools I already knew and I felt a little better but still this new lifestyle without a salary coming in was very hard to adjust to.
I opened the mail one morning and read a mailing about The Sedona Method. It sounded like exactly what I was looking for even though I didnt understand what it was or how it worked.
A few hours later I was walking out of the house to go for a walk when I went back in to order the Sedona Method tapes.That intuition that I talked about earlier was screaming - get this now!
My first impressions were very positive. The system was very easy to learn and it felt great. I started to feel more in control of my life and happier and more at peace than I had in a long time. I had a feeling conviction that everything would work out just fine, and it did.
I have now been using The Sedona Method for over 3 years and it seems to get better the more you use it. One caveat. You must use it each day. If you use it once and then expect your life to be better youll be setting yourself up for disappointment. It is designed to be part of how you live and to be used daily.
Now that you know what got me to the point of buying the Sedona Method, let us take a look at each of the questions above.
1 What is The Sedona Method?
It is a way to let go of limiting feelings that hold us back in life. i.e. you release emotional states that are holding you back.
Many spiritual teachers talk about the importance of knowing what you want and then letting go of the desire. The problem is they dont always tell you HOW to let go! And until you do let go, making progress can be difficult, stressful and painfully slow. It can be like driving with the handbrake on.
Feelings like frustration, hate, envy, greed, fear and anger are part of day to day life for so many of us and they leave you tired and worn out by the end of the day.
Instead, if you know how, you could just let go of these feelings and enjoy feeling at peace and happy. The Sedona Method shows you a simple practical way to do this.
2 Does it really work?
I set up a site - the Sedona Method releasing Club way back on October 31st 1999 because of how impressed I am with The Sedona Method. If you look back over the several pages of postings at this discussion board you will read many, many accounts of how releasing works for me...and you will also read of how other people have successfully used it in their lives.
You can then read these postings for yourself.
From my experience it does work if you work it! However nothing will happen if buy the best tools available and leave them in storage.
3 Who developed the Sedona Method and why?
Lester Levenson developed the Sedona Method. In 1952 at the age of 42 Lester suffered a massive heart attack and was so weak after he recovered that his doctor warned him that even the slightest effort could kill him. He was ordered to go home to his penthouse in New York and to rest.
Feeling deflated and very afraid of dying, Lester had a lot of time to sit and think about his life and to reflect on his success in life. He quickly realized that he had been a failure. Although he had made a lot of money and done well in business he had never really been happy. What had been the point in working so hard if he had destroyed his health in the process and if he was still unhappy?
He reasoned that if he could figure out how to be happy he might find the reasons why his health had been so poor. So he spent three months sitting alone in his penthouse endlessly analyzing what worked and what didnt work in the pursuit of happiness.
Over this short time he completely regained his health and his discoveries are now taught as The Sedona Method. Lester discovered how to have happiness without sorrow by letting go of the self imposed limiting feelings that hold you back from living your life the way you want it to be.
4 How does it work?
The Sedona Method works by teaching you how to let go of the limiting feelings that are stopping you from being, doing or having what you want. This is done by asking a series of questions that allow you to drop the blocks to moving ahead. The questions are simple and are only meaningful once you know how to use them to access those feelings that are holding you back.
Its like learning any new skill; it all seems very obvious afterwards and almost too easy.
5 Is it worth your time learning The Sedona Method?
Only you can answer this question.
At the beginning of this page I told you about my background so that you will understand why I feel so strongly about the Sedona Method despite already having many valuable tools at my disposal.
For me the Sedona Method is the missing link. There are many ways to get motivated, loads of courses that show you how to set and go after goals but no other course that shows you how to easily get out of your own way and get ahead while having more happiness.
Feel free to join the discussion board to post your questions to the community.
Decide for yourself and click below for a free tape and a complimentary email guide because you will also get a bundle of other goodies that will give you a taster of The Sedona Method.
Click here:Accelerate Your Progress with The Most Powerful Self-Improvement Technique on the Planet
3 Who developed the Sedona Method and why?
Lester Levenson developed the Sedona Method. In 1952 at the age of 42 Lester suffered a massive heart attack and was so weak after he recovered that his doctor warned him that even the slightest effort could kill him. He was ordered to go home to his penthouse in New York and to rest.
Feeling deflated and very afraid of dying, Lester had a lot of time to sit and think about his life and to reflect on his success in life. He quickly realized that he had been a failure. Although he had made a lot of money and done well in business he had never really been happy. What had been the point in working so hard if he had destroyed his health in the process and if he was still unhappy?
He reasoned that if he could figure out how to be happy he might find the reasons why his health had been so poor. So he spent three months sitting alone in his penthouse endlessly analyzing what worked and what didnt work in the pursuit of happiness.
Over this short time he completely regained his health and his discoveries are now taught as The Sedona Method. Lester discovered how to have happiness without sorrow by letting go of the self imposed limiting feelings that hold you back from living your life the way you want it to be.
4 How does it work?
The Sedona Method works by teaching you how to let go of the limiting feelings that are stopping you from being, doing or having what you want. This is done by asking a series of questions that allow you to drop the blocks to moving ahead. The questions are simple and are only meaningful once you know how to use them to access those feelings that are holding you back.
Its like learning any new skill; it all seems very obvious afterwards and almost too easy.
5 Is it worth your time learning The Sedona Method?
Only you can answer this question.
At the beginning of this page I told you about my background so that you will understand why I feel so strongly about the Sedona Method despite already having many valuable tools at my disposal.
For me the Sedona Method is the missing link. There are many ways to get motivated, loads of courses that show you how to set and go after goals but no other course that shows you how to easily get out of your own way and get ahead while having more happiness.
Feel free to join the discussion board to post your questions to the community.
Decide for yourself and click below for a free tape and a complimentary email guide because you will also get a bundle of other goodies that will give you a taster of The Sedona Method.
Click here:Accelerate Your Progress with The Most Powerful Self-Improvement Technique on the Planet
Monday, April 18, 2011
Forty Verses on Reality (Ulladu Narpadu) By Sri Ramana Maharshi
1. From our perception of the world there follows acceptance of a unique First Principle possessing various powers. Pictures of name and form, the person who sees, the screen on which he sees, and the light by which he sees: he himself is all of these.
2. All religions postulate the three fundamentals, the world, the soul, and God, but it is only the one Reality that manifests Itself as these three. One can say, 'The three are really three' only so long as the ego lasts. Therefore, to inhere in one's own Being, where the 'I', or ego, is dead, is the perfect State.
3. 'The world is real.' 'No, it, is a mere illusory appearance.' 'The world is conscious.' 'No.' 'The world is happiness.' 'No.' What use is it to argue thus? That State is agreeable to all, wherein, having given up the objective outlook, one knows one's Self and loses all notions either of unity or duality, of oneself and the ego.
4. If one has form oneself, the world and God also will appear to have form, but if one is formless, who is it that sees those forms, and how? Without the eye can any object be seen? The seeing Self is the Eye, and that Eye is the Eye of Infinity.
5. The body is a form composed of the five-fold sheath; therefore, all the five sheaths are implied in the term, body. Apart from the body does the world exist? Has anyone seen the world without the body?
6. The world is nothing more than an embodiment of the objects perceived by the five sense-organs. Since, through these five sense-organs, a single mind perceives the world, the world is nothing but the mind. Apart from the mind can there be a world?
7. Although the world and knowledge thereof rise and set together it is by knowledge alone that the world is made apparent. That Perfection wherein the world and knowledge thereof rise and set, and which shines without rising and setting, is alone the Reality.
8. Under whatever name and form one may worship the Absolute Reality, it is only a means for realizing It without name and form. That alone is true realization, wherein one knows oneself in relation to that Reality, attains peace and realizes one's identity with it.
9. The duality of subject and object and trinity of seer, sight, and seen can exist only if supported by the One. If one turns inward in search of that One Reality they fall away. Those who see this are those who see Wisdom. They are never in doubt.
10. Ordinary knowledge is always accompanied by ignorance, and ignorance by knowledge; the only true Knowledge is that by which one knows the Self through enquiring whose is the knowledge and ignorance.
11. Is it not, rather, ignorance to know all else without knowing oneself, the knower? As soon as one knows the Self, which is the substratum of knowledge and ignorance, knowledge and ignorance perish.
12. That alone is true Knowledge which is neither knowledge nor ignorance. What is known is not true Knowledge. Since the Self shines with nothing else to know or to make known, It alone is Knowledge. It is not a void.
13. The Self, which is Knowledge, is the only Reality. Knowledge of multiplicity is false knowledge. This false knowledge, which is really ignorance, cannot exist apart from the Self, which is Knowledge-Reality. The variety of gold ornaments is unreal, since none of them can exist without the gold of which they are all made.
14. If the first person, I, exists, then the second and third persons, you and he, will also exist. By enquiring into the nature of the I, the I perishes. With it 'you' and 'he' also perish. The resultant state, which shines as Absolute Being, is one's own natural state, the Self.
15. Only with reference to the present can the past and the future exist. They too, while current, are the present. To try to determine the nature of the past and the future while ignoring the present is like trying to count without the unit.
16. Apart, from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we? We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here, and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.
17. To those who have not realized the Self, as well as to those who have, the word 'I' refers to the body, but with this difference, that for those who have not realized, the 'I' is confined to the body whereas for those who have realized the Self within the body the 'I' shines as the limitless Self.
18. To those who have not realized (the Self) as well as to those who have the world is real. But to those who have not realized, Truth is adapted to the measure of the world, whereas to those that have, Truth shines as the Formless Perfection, and as the Substratum of the world. This is all the difference between them.
19. Only those who have no knowledge of the Source of destiny and free-will dispute as to which of them prevails. They that know the Self as the one Source of destiny and free-will are free from both. Will they again get entangled in them?
20. He who sees God without seeing the Self sees only a mental image. They say that he who sees the Self sees God. He who, having completely lost the ego, sees the Self, has found God, because the Self does not exist apart from God.
21. What is the Truth of the scriptures which declare that if one sees the Self one sees God? How can one see one's Self? If, since one is a single being, one cannot see one's Self, how can one see God? Only by becoming a prey to Him.
22. The Divine gives light to the mind and shines within it. Except by turning the mind inward and fixing it in the Divine, there is no other way to know Him through the mind.
23. The body does not say 'I'. No one will argue that even in deep sleep the 'I' ceases to exist. Once the 'I' emerges, all else emerges. With a keen mind enquire whence this 'I' emerges.
24. This inert body does not say 'I'. Reality-Consciousness does not emerge. Between the two, and limited to the measure of the body, something emerges as 'I'. It is this that is known as Chit-jada-granthi (the knot between the Conscious and the inert), and also as bondage, soul, subtle-body, ego, samsara, mind, and so forth.
25. It. comes into being equipped with a form, and as long as it retains a form it endures. Having a form, it feeds and grows big. But if you investigate it this evil spirit, which has no form of its own, relinquishes its grip on form and takes to flight.
26. If the ego is, everything else also is. If the ego is not, nothing else is. Indeed, the ego is all. Therefore the enquiry as to what this ego is, is the only way of giving up everything.
27. The State of non-emergence of 'I' is the state of being THAT. Without questing for that State of the non-emergence of 'I' and attaining It, how can one accomplish one's own extinction, from which the 'I' does not revive? Without that attainment how is it possible to abide in one's true State, where one is THAT?
28. Just as a man would dive in order to get something that had fallen into the water, so one should dive into oneself, with a keen one-pointed mind, controlling speech and breath, and find the place whence the 'I' originates.
29. The only enquiry leading to Self-realization is seeking the Source of the 'I' with in-turned mind and without uttering the word 'I'. Meditation on 'I am not this; I am That' may be an aid to the enquiry but it cannot be the enquiry.
30. If one enquires 'Who am I?' within the mind, the individual 'I' falls down abashed as soon as one reaches the Heart and immediately Reality manifests itself spontaneously as 'I-I'. Although it reveals itself as 'I', it is not the ego but the Perfect Being, the Absolute Self.
31. For Him who is immersed in the bliss of the Self, arising from the extinction of the ego, what remains to be accomplished? He is not aware of anything (as) other than the Self. Who can apprehend his State?
32. Although the scriptures proclaim 'Thou art That', it is only a sign of weakness of mind to meditate 'I am That, not this', because you are eternally That. What has to be done is to investigate what one really is and remain That.
33. It is ridiculous to say either 'I have not realized the Self' or 'I have realized the Self'; are there two selves, for one to be the object of the other's realization? It is a truth within the experience of everyone that there is only one Self.
34. It is due to illusion born of ignorance that men fail to recognise That which is always and for everybody the inherent Reality dwelling in its natural Heart-centre and to abide in it, and that instead they argue that it exists or does not exist, that it has form or has not form, or is non-dual or dual.
35. To seek and abide in the Reality that is always attained, is the only Attainment. All other attainments (siddhis) are such as are acquired in dreams. Can they appear real to someone who has woken up from sleep? Can they that are established in the Reality and are free from maya, be deluded by them?
36. Only if the thought 'I am the body' occurs will the meditation 'I am not this, I am That', help one to abide as That. Why should we for ever be thinking, 'I am That'? Is it necessary for man to go on thinking 'I am a man'? Are we not always That?
37. The contention, 'Dualism during practice, non-dualism on Attainment', is also false. While one is anxiously searching, as well as when one has found one's Self, who else is one but the tenth man?
38. As long as a man is the doer, he also reaps the fruit of his deeds, but, as soon as he realizes the Self through enquiry as to who is the doer his sense of being the doer falls away and the triple karma is ended. This is the state of eternal Liberation.
39. Only so long as one considers oneself bound, do thoughts of bondage and Liberation continue. When one enquires who is bound the Self is realized, eternally attained, and eternally free. When thought of bondage comes to an end, can thought of Liberation survive?
40. If it is said, that Liberation is of three kinds, with form or without form or with and without form, then let me tell you that the extinction of three forms of Liberation is the only true Liberation.
2. All religions postulate the three fundamentals, the world, the soul, and God, but it is only the one Reality that manifests Itself as these three. One can say, 'The three are really three' only so long as the ego lasts. Therefore, to inhere in one's own Being, where the 'I', or ego, is dead, is the perfect State.
3. 'The world is real.' 'No, it, is a mere illusory appearance.' 'The world is conscious.' 'No.' 'The world is happiness.' 'No.' What use is it to argue thus? That State is agreeable to all, wherein, having given up the objective outlook, one knows one's Self and loses all notions either of unity or duality, of oneself and the ego.
4. If one has form oneself, the world and God also will appear to have form, but if one is formless, who is it that sees those forms, and how? Without the eye can any object be seen? The seeing Self is the Eye, and that Eye is the Eye of Infinity.
5. The body is a form composed of the five-fold sheath; therefore, all the five sheaths are implied in the term, body. Apart from the body does the world exist? Has anyone seen the world without the body?
6. The world is nothing more than an embodiment of the objects perceived by the five sense-organs. Since, through these five sense-organs, a single mind perceives the world, the world is nothing but the mind. Apart from the mind can there be a world?
7. Although the world and knowledge thereof rise and set together it is by knowledge alone that the world is made apparent. That Perfection wherein the world and knowledge thereof rise and set, and which shines without rising and setting, is alone the Reality.
8. Under whatever name and form one may worship the Absolute Reality, it is only a means for realizing It without name and form. That alone is true realization, wherein one knows oneself in relation to that Reality, attains peace and realizes one's identity with it.
9. The duality of subject and object and trinity of seer, sight, and seen can exist only if supported by the One. If one turns inward in search of that One Reality they fall away. Those who see this are those who see Wisdom. They are never in doubt.
10. Ordinary knowledge is always accompanied by ignorance, and ignorance by knowledge; the only true Knowledge is that by which one knows the Self through enquiring whose is the knowledge and ignorance.
11. Is it not, rather, ignorance to know all else without knowing oneself, the knower? As soon as one knows the Self, which is the substratum of knowledge and ignorance, knowledge and ignorance perish.
12. That alone is true Knowledge which is neither knowledge nor ignorance. What is known is not true Knowledge. Since the Self shines with nothing else to know or to make known, It alone is Knowledge. It is not a void.
13. The Self, which is Knowledge, is the only Reality. Knowledge of multiplicity is false knowledge. This false knowledge, which is really ignorance, cannot exist apart from the Self, which is Knowledge-Reality. The variety of gold ornaments is unreal, since none of them can exist without the gold of which they are all made.
14. If the first person, I, exists, then the second and third persons, you and he, will also exist. By enquiring into the nature of the I, the I perishes. With it 'you' and 'he' also perish. The resultant state, which shines as Absolute Being, is one's own natural state, the Self.
15. Only with reference to the present can the past and the future exist. They too, while current, are the present. To try to determine the nature of the past and the future while ignoring the present is like trying to count without the unit.
16. Apart, from us where is time and where is space? If we are bodies, we are involved in time and space, but are we? We are one and identical now, then, and forever, here, and everywhere. Therefore we, timeless, and spaceless Being, alone are.
17. To those who have not realized the Self, as well as to those who have, the word 'I' refers to the body, but with this difference, that for those who have not realized, the 'I' is confined to the body whereas for those who have realized the Self within the body the 'I' shines as the limitless Self.
18. To those who have not realized (the Self) as well as to those who have the world is real. But to those who have not realized, Truth is adapted to the measure of the world, whereas to those that have, Truth shines as the Formless Perfection, and as the Substratum of the world. This is all the difference between them.
19. Only those who have no knowledge of the Source of destiny and free-will dispute as to which of them prevails. They that know the Self as the one Source of destiny and free-will are free from both. Will they again get entangled in them?
20. He who sees God without seeing the Self sees only a mental image. They say that he who sees the Self sees God. He who, having completely lost the ego, sees the Self, has found God, because the Self does not exist apart from God.
21. What is the Truth of the scriptures which declare that if one sees the Self one sees God? How can one see one's Self? If, since one is a single being, one cannot see one's Self, how can one see God? Only by becoming a prey to Him.
22. The Divine gives light to the mind and shines within it. Except by turning the mind inward and fixing it in the Divine, there is no other way to know Him through the mind.
23. The body does not say 'I'. No one will argue that even in deep sleep the 'I' ceases to exist. Once the 'I' emerges, all else emerges. With a keen mind enquire whence this 'I' emerges.
24. This inert body does not say 'I'. Reality-Consciousness does not emerge. Between the two, and limited to the measure of the body, something emerges as 'I'. It is this that is known as Chit-jada-granthi (the knot between the Conscious and the inert), and also as bondage, soul, subtle-body, ego, samsara, mind, and so forth.
25. It. comes into being equipped with a form, and as long as it retains a form it endures. Having a form, it feeds and grows big. But if you investigate it this evil spirit, which has no form of its own, relinquishes its grip on form and takes to flight.
26. If the ego is, everything else also is. If the ego is not, nothing else is. Indeed, the ego is all. Therefore the enquiry as to what this ego is, is the only way of giving up everything.
27. The State of non-emergence of 'I' is the state of being THAT. Without questing for that State of the non-emergence of 'I' and attaining It, how can one accomplish one's own extinction, from which the 'I' does not revive? Without that attainment how is it possible to abide in one's true State, where one is THAT?
28. Just as a man would dive in order to get something that had fallen into the water, so one should dive into oneself, with a keen one-pointed mind, controlling speech and breath, and find the place whence the 'I' originates.
29. The only enquiry leading to Self-realization is seeking the Source of the 'I' with in-turned mind and without uttering the word 'I'. Meditation on 'I am not this; I am That' may be an aid to the enquiry but it cannot be the enquiry.
30. If one enquires 'Who am I?' within the mind, the individual 'I' falls down abashed as soon as one reaches the Heart and immediately Reality manifests itself spontaneously as 'I-I'. Although it reveals itself as 'I', it is not the ego but the Perfect Being, the Absolute Self.
31. For Him who is immersed in the bliss of the Self, arising from the extinction of the ego, what remains to be accomplished? He is not aware of anything (as) other than the Self. Who can apprehend his State?
32. Although the scriptures proclaim 'Thou art That', it is only a sign of weakness of mind to meditate 'I am That, not this', because you are eternally That. What has to be done is to investigate what one really is and remain That.
33. It is ridiculous to say either 'I have not realized the Self' or 'I have realized the Self'; are there two selves, for one to be the object of the other's realization? It is a truth within the experience of everyone that there is only one Self.
34. It is due to illusion born of ignorance that men fail to recognise That which is always and for everybody the inherent Reality dwelling in its natural Heart-centre and to abide in it, and that instead they argue that it exists or does not exist, that it has form or has not form, or is non-dual or dual.
35. To seek and abide in the Reality that is always attained, is the only Attainment. All other attainments (siddhis) are such as are acquired in dreams. Can they appear real to someone who has woken up from sleep? Can they that are established in the Reality and are free from maya, be deluded by them?
36. Only if the thought 'I am the body' occurs will the meditation 'I am not this, I am That', help one to abide as That. Why should we for ever be thinking, 'I am That'? Is it necessary for man to go on thinking 'I am a man'? Are we not always That?
37. The contention, 'Dualism during practice, non-dualism on Attainment', is also false. While one is anxiously searching, as well as when one has found one's Self, who else is one but the tenth man?
38. As long as a man is the doer, he also reaps the fruit of his deeds, but, as soon as he realizes the Self through enquiry as to who is the doer his sense of being the doer falls away and the triple karma is ended. This is the state of eternal Liberation.
39. Only so long as one considers oneself bound, do thoughts of bondage and Liberation continue. When one enquires who is bound the Self is realized, eternally attained, and eternally free. When thought of bondage comes to an end, can thought of Liberation survive?
40. If it is said, that Liberation is of three kinds, with form or without form or with and without form, then let me tell you that the extinction of three forms of Liberation is the only true Liberation.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Susan Boyle Transcript
from wiki
watch SIMON MELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan Boyle, 47, is a contestant on the 3rd series of Britain's Got Talent. She surprised the judges with a strong performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables in the competition's first round, eliciting the "biggest yes in three seasons" from Piers Morgan and a yes from Simon Cowell and Amanda Holden. Amanda claimed it was the biggest shock and wake up call ever, referencing the initially skeptical crowd; Amanda also said that it was "an absolute privilege to listen to that". The performance was of such quality that the entire audience, which was cynically laughing and booing before the performance started, gave a standing ovation after the first vocals left Susan Boyle's lips.[1] At the crescendo of the first act, the judges joined in the standing ovation. Following the performance, Piers stated that it was "the most incredible act I have ever seen, ever". [2]
Susan is the youngest of nine children and lives in Blackburn, West Lothian with her ten year old cat, Pebbles. She stopped her pursuit of singing to look after her sick mother who died in 2007 aged 91. After her mother's death, Susan did not feel like going back to singing, but then, luckily for everyone, entered Britain's got Talent.
[On the day following the performance, the YouTube video was the number one article for all categories on Digg, with nearly triple the votes ("diggs") of the second most popular.[3] Less than 14 hours after submission, it is in the top five popular items for the past seven days.[4]
The same video was also popular on Reddit, with enough clout to top the front page as well.[5]
The most popular YouTube video submission garnered 500K+ views in the first 24 hours with a five star rating across the board.[6] This was despite embedding of the video being disabled.
[edit] Mainstream
Times Online ran an article with the headline Singing talent of Susan Boyle stuns Simon Cowell into silence[7]:
As soon as she begins singing I Dream A Dream, from the musical Les Misérables, however, everyone in the auditorium falls silent, before erupting into a standing ovation. Afterwards Morgan said: “Without doubt that was the biggest surprise I’ve had in three years of this show. When you stood there with that cheeky grin everyone was laughing at you. No one is laughing now. That was stunning. I’m reeling from shock.” Andrew Llinares, executive producer for TalkbackThames, the programme maker, said: “She was a complete revelation. Everyone was cynical about her. She’s a woman who’s grown up in a tiny little village and has never got married. “I think the expectation was that she wasn’t going to be any good. But that’s what’s sensational about the show. No one saw it coming.”
The Herald published an article by the title What's the story with ... Susan Boyle?[8]:
Susan is 47 years old, she is reported to have never kissed a man and she lives at home in Blackburn, West Lothian, with her cat, called Pebbles. At auditions for the series, Susan walked out in front of the audience and said she wanted to be like Elaine Paige. The audience laughed. Then she started to sing and the audience clapped. As the applause faded, Piers Morgan described Susan's rendition of I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables as stunning; Cowell called her a little tiger; and Amanda Holden movingly wiped a tear from her eye.
They also reported on the her origins, and the condition of her town:
Piers hasn't been quite so nice about where Susan comes from, though. It was reported that the BGT camera crew who arrived to film her home town were ordered to shoot in nearby Bathgate instead after judge Piers described the town as a dump. Despite that, Susan's story is just the kind of tale the producers of Britain's Got Talent love: ordinary person, preferably very ordinary, with out-of-the-ordinary talent. One of nine children and a devout Catholic, she has sung in the local choir since she was 12 and tried her hand at amateur dramatics before landing a regular gig in her local bar.
The Telegraph wrote a piece titled Britain's Got Talent finds an unlikely superstar[9]:
Susan Boyle astonished the judges at the auditions for ITV1 show Britain's Got Talent with her rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables. Her eccentric ways and less than polished appearance drew sniggers from the audience when she first appeared on the stage, but they were mesmerised from the moment she broke into song and gave her a standing ovation. Simon Cowell pronounced her voice "extraordinary" and Amanda Holden was reduced to tears by hearing her sing. Fellow judge Piers Morgan said the performance was "without a doubt the biggest surprise I have had in three years of this show".
Daily Mail published the article Middle-aged ‘hairy angel’ wipes the smile off Britain’s Got Talent judges' faces[10]:
Miss Boyle told presenters Ant and Dec that she lived alone with just her cat Pebbles for company. She said: ‘I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve never even been kissed.’ She then stomped across the stage and began clumsily gyrating her hips towards the judges, prompting laughter from the audience. A smirking Cowell asked her who she would like to emulate - to which she replied Elaine Paige. ‘I would love to be in musical theatre. I have just never had the opportunity,’ said Miss Boyle, who is from West Lothian in Scotland. Moments later, the music mogul and fellow judges Amanda Holden and Piers Morgan were left speechless by her powerful rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables. Miss Holden appeared close to tears as she sang, while Cowell looked almost adoring. The audience gave the singer a standing ovation and cheered as she finished the song.
[edit] References
^ 1:56 - 2:00
^ Mirror
^ Digg
^ Digg 7 day history
^ Reddit
^ YouTube
^ TimesOnline
^ The Herald
^ Telegraph
from wiki
watch SIMON MELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan Boyle, 47, is a contestant on the 3rd series of Britain's Got Talent. She surprised the judges with a strong performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables in the competition's first round, eliciting the "biggest yes in three seasons" from Piers Morgan and a yes from Simon Cowell and Amanda Holden. Amanda claimed it was the biggest shock and wake up call ever, referencing the initially skeptical crowd; Amanda also said that it was "an absolute privilege to listen to that". The performance was of such quality that the entire audience, which was cynically laughing and booing before the performance started, gave a standing ovation after the first vocals left Susan Boyle's lips.[1] At the crescendo of the first act, the judges joined in the standing ovation. Following the performance, Piers stated that it was "the most incredible act I have ever seen, ever". [2]
Susan is the youngest of nine children and lives in Blackburn, West Lothian with her ten year old cat, Pebbles. She stopped her pursuit of singing to look after her sick mother who died in 2007 aged 91. After her mother's death, Susan did not feel like going back to singing, but then, luckily for everyone, entered Britain's got Talent.
[On the day following the performance, the YouTube video was the number one article for all categories on Digg, with nearly triple the votes ("diggs") of the second most popular.[3] Less than 14 hours after submission, it is in the top five popular items for the past seven days.[4]
The same video was also popular on Reddit, with enough clout to top the front page as well.[5]
The most popular YouTube video submission garnered 500K+ views in the first 24 hours with a five star rating across the board.[6] This was despite embedding of the video being disabled.
[edit] Mainstream
Times Online ran an article with the headline Singing talent of Susan Boyle stuns Simon Cowell into silence[7]:
As soon as she begins singing I Dream A Dream, from the musical Les Misérables, however, everyone in the auditorium falls silent, before erupting into a standing ovation. Afterwards Morgan said: “Without doubt that was the biggest surprise I’ve had in three years of this show. When you stood there with that cheeky grin everyone was laughing at you. No one is laughing now. That was stunning. I’m reeling from shock.” Andrew Llinares, executive producer for TalkbackThames, the programme maker, said: “She was a complete revelation. Everyone was cynical about her. She’s a woman who’s grown up in a tiny little village and has never got married. “I think the expectation was that she wasn’t going to be any good. But that’s what’s sensational about the show. No one saw it coming.”
The Herald published an article by the title What's the story with ... Susan Boyle?[8]:
Susan is 47 years old, she is reported to have never kissed a man and she lives at home in Blackburn, West Lothian, with her cat, called Pebbles. At auditions for the series, Susan walked out in front of the audience and said she wanted to be like Elaine Paige. The audience laughed. Then she started to sing and the audience clapped. As the applause faded, Piers Morgan described Susan's rendition of I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables as stunning; Cowell called her a little tiger; and Amanda Holden movingly wiped a tear from her eye.
They also reported on the her origins, and the condition of her town:
Piers hasn't been quite so nice about where Susan comes from, though. It was reported that the BGT camera crew who arrived to film her home town were ordered to shoot in nearby Bathgate instead after judge Piers described the town as a dump. Despite that, Susan's story is just the kind of tale the producers of Britain's Got Talent love: ordinary person, preferably very ordinary, with out-of-the-ordinary talent. One of nine children and a devout Catholic, she has sung in the local choir since she was 12 and tried her hand at amateur dramatics before landing a regular gig in her local bar.
The Telegraph wrote a piece titled Britain's Got Talent finds an unlikely superstar[9]:
Susan Boyle astonished the judges at the auditions for ITV1 show Britain's Got Talent with her rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables. Her eccentric ways and less than polished appearance drew sniggers from the audience when she first appeared on the stage, but they were mesmerised from the moment she broke into song and gave her a standing ovation. Simon Cowell pronounced her voice "extraordinary" and Amanda Holden was reduced to tears by hearing her sing. Fellow judge Piers Morgan said the performance was "without a doubt the biggest surprise I have had in three years of this show".
Daily Mail published the article Middle-aged ‘hairy angel’ wipes the smile off Britain’s Got Talent judges' faces[10]:
Miss Boyle told presenters Ant and Dec that she lived alone with just her cat Pebbles for company. She said: ‘I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve never even been kissed.’ She then stomped across the stage and began clumsily gyrating her hips towards the judges, prompting laughter from the audience. A smirking Cowell asked her who she would like to emulate - to which she replied Elaine Paige. ‘I would love to be in musical theatre. I have just never had the opportunity,’ said Miss Boyle, who is from West Lothian in Scotland. Moments later, the music mogul and fellow judges Amanda Holden and Piers Morgan were left speechless by her powerful rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables. Miss Holden appeared close to tears as she sang, while Cowell looked almost adoring. The audience gave the singer a standing ovation and cheered as she finished the song.
[edit] References
^ 1:56 - 2:00
^ Mirror
^ Digg
^ Digg 7 day history
^ YouTube
^ TimesOnline
^ The Herald
^ Telegraph
Self-Enquiry - Practice
Extract from 'Be As You Are' – David Godman
Beginners in self-enquiry were advised by Sri Ramana to put their attention on the inner feeling of 'I' and to hold that feeling as long as possible.
They would be told that if their attention was distracted by other thoughts they should revert to awareness of the 'I'-thought whenever they became aware that their attention had wandered.
He suggested various aids to assist this process - one could ask oneself 'Who am I ?' or'Where does this I come from ?' - but the ultimate aim was to be continuously aware of the 'I' which assumes that it is responsible for all the activities of the body and the mind.
In the early stages of practice attention to the feeling 'I' is a mental activity which takes the form of a thought or a perception.
As the practice develops the thought 'I' gives way to a subjectively experienced feeling of 'I', and when this feeling ceases to connect and identify with thoughts and objects it completely vanishes.
What remains is an experience of being in which the sense of individuality has temporarily ceased to operate. The experience may be intermittent at first but with repeated practice it becomes easier and easier to reach and maintain.
When self-enquiry reaches this level there is an effortless awareness of being in which individual effort is no longer possible since the 'I' who makes the effort has temporarily ceased to exist. It is not Self-realization since the 'I'-thought periodically reasserts itself but it is the highest level of practice.
Repeated experience of this state of being weakens and destroys the vasanas (mental tendencies) which cause the 'I'-thought to rise, and, when their hold has been sufficiently weakened, the power of the Self destroys the residual tendencies so completely that the 'I'-thought never rises again. This is the final and irreversible state of Self-realization.
This practice of self-attention or awareness of the 'I'-thought is a gentle technique which bypasses the usual repressive methods of controlling the mind. It is not an exercise in concentration, nor does it aim at suppressing thoughts; it merely invokes awareness of the source from which the mind springs.
The method and goal of self-enquiry is to abide in the source of the mind and to be aware of what one really is by withdrawing attention and interest from what one is not. In the early stages effort in the form of transferring attention from the thoughts to the thinker is essential, but once awareness of the 'I'-feeling has been firmly established, further effort is counter-productive. From then on it is more a process of being than doing, of effortless being rather than an effort to be.
Being what one already is effortless since beingness is always present and always experienced. On the other hand, pretending to be what one is not (i.e. the body and the mind) requires continuous mental effort, even though the effort is nearly always at a subconscious level.
It therefore follows that in the higher stages of self-enquiry effort takes attention away from the experience of being while the cessation of mental effort reveals it. Ultimately, the Self is not discovered as a result of doing anything, but only by being. As Sri Ramana Himself once remarked:
Do not meditate - be!
Do not think that you are - be!
Don't think about being - you are!
Self-enquiry should not be regarded as a meditation practice that takes place at certain hours and in certain positions; it should continue throughout one's waking hours,irrespective of what one is doing.
Sri Ramana saw no conflict between working and self-enquiry and he maintained that with a little practice it could be done under any circumstances.
He did sometimes say that regular periods of formal practice were good for beginners, but he never advocated long periods of sitting meditation and he always showed his disapproval when any of his devotees expressed a desire to give up their mundane activities in favour of a meditative life.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Meditation Events Around San Francisco Bay Area
* California Vipassana Center -Teacher: Goenka, Location: San Jose, San Francisco: Every Mondays and weekend.
* Dharmata - Teacher: Anam Tuhbten, Location: Point Richmond, Time: Every other Sunday.
* Sunnyvale Zen Center - Location: Sunnyvale, Time: Every Sunday
* Insight Meditation Center - Location: Redwood City
* Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley - Location: Berkeley
* Shambhala Meditation Center - Location: Berkeley
* Ananda Sangha of Berkeley - Location: Berkeley
If you would like to share event information, please leave it in comments section.
* Dharmata - Teacher: Anam Tuhbten, Location: Point Richmond, Time: Every other Sunday.
* Sunnyvale Zen Center - Location: Sunnyvale, Time: Every Sunday
* Insight Meditation Center - Location: Redwood City
* Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley - Location: Berkeley
* Shambhala Meditation Center - Location: Berkeley
* Ananda Sangha of Berkeley - Location: Berkeley
If you would like to share event information, please leave it in comments section.
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